Friday, March 16, 2012

7 Reasons for Spring Break

or 7 pieces of evidence that I may be losing my mind!

1.    Yesterday I forgot to do my recess duty for, probably, the second time in 10 years.
2.    Yesterday, I arranged for my daughter to be picked up after school, but couldn't remember why until noon.  I had to stay at work until 8:00
3.    Two days ago, EM and I forgot a dance class.
4.    Two weeks ago, I forgot a dental appointment.
5.    Two weeks ago, I was sick and forgot to cancel with a observation by a college student (she has not replied to my apologetic email).  I really thought she was coming the next day, but my school appointment book was, get this, at school.  I feel horrible about this.
6.    A week ago, I was driving on the way to school when I got a call from EM asking why I was not taking AT to school that morning.  I am the default transportation for AT to school each morning, but, if EM's schedule allows, he takes her.  We always check in with each other.  I was thoroughly convinced it was his day.  When I was about 10 minutes from home, EM called and asked why I had already left.  He said I was supposed to take AT to school.  He was right.
7.  And, last, but not least, (drumroll here) I left my bag  in the trunk of my car with my wallet, iPod Touch and iPad.  This was so I would be ready to zoom out of school after our evening school program.  So I wouldn't lose any time.  So I could be efficient.  When I later got back to the car that night, the trunk was open and my heart stopped.  Would my electronics still be in the car?  Yes, it all was there.  I was the guilty party.  I'm sure in my haste to get inside the school earlier, I accidentally punched the "open trunk" button.  I'm a lucky girl.  

Here's to Spring Break.  Hope it arrived in time! 

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