Monday, February 13, 2012

Yoga on Caffeine

My great husband brought me a small gift this evening, my favorite mocha. We were waiting for AT to finish her tumbling class. He was drinking his trusty senior coffee. It was a sweet surprise and I gulped the mocha down, after I protested that it had caffeine in it and I can't do caffeine after 5:00 or even after 4:00. Over the past few years it has kept me awake. And I mean awake! So tired, eyes closed, but brain racing. I have always been hyped when drinking it. My sister recognizes that I'm on caffeine when she calls. I've had acquaintances say "You're sure walking fast," on a Friday morning, mocha-driven arrival at my job (and I'm a fast walker sans caffeine). I don't drink real coffee. I say my coffee has to be basically a hot milkshake. I do make it non-fat and often sugar-free. And I only have it about once a week. On vacation. A gift from a husband. A Saturday morning drive Oh, bliss!

So, here I am, 9:44 PM and I'll still going strong. A perfect bedtime routine, The Voice, yoga and blogging. Not all at the same time, but one after the other. Well, some at the same time. And it's OK because I have a dental appointment in the morning and get to sleep late. Actually, that is a joke of a sentence since sleeping late for me is 7:00AM. Yoga and caffeine? Zoom, zoom, I think that's a oxymoron. Oooo, one singer on The Voice just gave me the chills. Look, a chicken!

Recently I've been reading James Altucher ( Very inspiring in several directions. I need to blog more. Write, write more.

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