Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All!

This year is a different Christmas for us.  Since AT has been born, we have always gone to Tennessee for Christmas, except for one year.  Another year, we went for Thanksgiving plus Christmas.  Whew!  That was too much.  We usually don't go to Tennessee for Thanksgiving.  This year, however, we went for Thanksgiving and stayed in Oklahoma for Christmas.

Last night was midnight mass.  I think it was AT's first.  The Tennessee family does not go to midnight mass so AT has not have that experience.  When AT was little, we went to the children's evening mass, rather than make her stay up late.  For EM, the cradle Catholic, midnight mass was a must-do childhood tradition.  So this year, we were at midnight mass at our church.  AT was totally convinced that she would not be able to stay awake through the midnight mass.  We seriously pointed out that she would have had no problem if it were a sleepover, rather than midnight mass.  The service was lovely.  Lots of Christmas carols.  Our choir is the best it's ever been.

Then home and immediately to bed.  This morning, AT was up about 7:30, totally manageable for me.  We cheerily opened our gifts and had a big breakfast.  AT peeled off to watch movies, using her new iTunes card.  I am now happily typing using my new keyboard, which is much more nicer than my old keyboard.  Next there might be a nap.  EM is already napping.  We have a fire going.

The adventure of the morning was with the dog-that-we-have-NEVER-seen-get-up-on-a-couch.  This dog is currently wearing Christmas bells on her collar.  So cute!  The dog got two rawhide bones for Christmas.  She can demolish any chew toy in minutes. Once, when I said that to a dog trainer, the trainer said to get the dog a black Kong, that she had never seen a black Kong destroyed by a dog.  So we bought the dog a black Kong and she chewed the top off within 30 minutes.  Back to this Christmas morning, the dog got her first bone, ran around the house to make sure we would see and be jealous of her lovely gift, then chewed it up immediately.  She was given a second rawhide bone (big mistake).  Later, AT and I retreated to the fire in the den and there was some horribleness on the couch.  It looked like an animal had been killed on my couch. I never would have known what happened, except there, shoved deep behind the couch cushions, was the second rawhide bone.  The dog had chewed until her gums were raw and bleeding, then buried the second bone in my couch.  Fortunately, she selected the couch with a cover on it.  The cover is already washed, stains out, and is in the dryer.  And, yet, this dog has never been seen on a couch.

I will start cooking today at 3:00, although much of it is already done, so it won't be hard.  We are having a non-traditional dinner, according to me.  Ham, mac and cheese, green beans, spinach casserole, three salads, and three desserts.  There will be lots of leftovers, days of me not in the kitchen!  A traditional dinner for me would include the ham, but with addition of greens, mashed potatoes, and dressing.  Since I'm the only person here who is crazy about those three things, I didn't make them this year.  As a lovely aside, my grandmother, who was proclaimed at the best greens cooker in our family, used to can greens for me.  It was like having her in my kitchen with me when I opened them.  I gave one jar away and am now regretting that.

Sleet is falling.  Currently, we are promised three inches of snow, down graded from 6-8 inches.

Drat!  Now I'm trying to nap on the now-famous couch and the dog is totally convinced that I am covering up her bone.

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

  1. And Merry Christmas to all of you! Missed you but glad you are safe at home, well and happy. elo
