Monday, September 24, 2012

An Evening in OKC

On a recent Friday night, AT announced her Friday spend-the-night plans too late in the evening for EM and me to go to dance lessons. We'd love to say, "Aren't you going somewhere tonight so we can go to dance class?" We also can make her go to class with us or she's old enough to stay at home by herself, but we made a policy to be relaxed this summer and just wait to see if she makes plans for herself. When we go to dance class, we head for the city at about 6:00 and AT's plans were announced at 6:30. Of course. We dropped her off to a girlfriend's for the night, then, what to do, what to do? It took us a little while to make a plan (after the evening was over, we thought of several things to do, of course).

 Often our evening plans center around putting some miles on the hot rod.  EM suggested we drive the hot rod to Oklahoma City and drive around downtown. We arrived about 9:00 PM. Those of us who are familiar with downtown OKC are amazed at the changes that have, and still are, taking place. Streets that have been one way for over 20 years are now two-way. Many landmarks are gone. At the center of these changes is the new Devon Energy Tower. It's 50 stories tall, by far the tallest building in OKC. It was the first time we had seen it at night. Each corner of the building had changing streaks of light. It is amazing. We did not stop, but we saw many people walking downtown and in the parks, even though it was dark. Unfortunately, I did not take a camera. The night lights were beautiful. We're going to have a repeat trip with a camera.

 Next, we moseyed up north through the Asian District to Whole Foods. All that area looks revived also, with no small part of the credit going to Chesapeake Energy. Instead of a tall building, Chesapeake has a campus, that goes on for blocks and blocks. Landmarks have disappeared from that area also. At Christmas, they decorate hundreds of trees, very beautiful. In years past, we would have been able to find our way around OKC expertly, but, due to all the new buildings, we had to search a bit to find Whole Foods. I've only been there twice and was excited about going there again. Never mind the organic and healthy, which I do appreciate, but I like to eat weird, ethnic foods (which is often healthy) and Whole Foods is the holy land for that. Unfortunately, we arrived at 10:00 PM and it closed at 10:00. Poo. Another identical evening must be planned, camera in hand.

 Today, a man asked EM if the car made it easy to pick up women. EM replied that the car usually carried around his wife, but that last night two women were taking our photos with their smart phones. That was a new one for us. So I guess we're somewhere on someone's Facebook page today. We (EM) often have people comment and ask us questions about the hot rod, as we drive through town. Once a guy leaned out his car window and said, "Isn't that car too heavy to be on the street?" He was serious. It's really fun.

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