Monday, April 23, 2012

Bucket List: Items #24 and #53

Today was a perfect Saturday.  The hot rod was up and running.  It was a beautiful, cool morning.  One of our goals has been put the hot rod in a parade (bucket list item #24).  This morning we loaded up a trash sack full of candy and drove about two miles to line up in the 89ers Day Parade.  EM's car club was in the parade, probably 40 cars.  After the parade, 170 cars entered a car show nearby.  The car show entry fee went to the Health and Shelter For Friends.

AT and her friend rode on the back of the backseat in the hot rod/convertible.  We had told AT that she had to ride in the parade, but it was her choice whether she asked a friend.  Being an young teen, it took her a while to decide.  You never know if your peers will like a particular activity.  But she and her friend both seemed to have a blast.  It was great fun watching everyone waiting for the candy and admiring the cars.  Of course, we ran out of candy before the end of the route, mainly due to EM throwing out huge handfuls of candy.  I finally stopped him.   One friend claimed we injured her with candy; I think she exaggerates.

From the parade, we pulled around to park at the car show.  AT and friend wandered around and, within an hour, peeled off to go with her friend's mother.  I walked about a mile back  to the beginning of the parade to pick up the truck then went home for a nap.  Our house was only about a mile from the parade and the car show.  After my nap, I went back to the car show.   EM and I hung out, waiting for the car show winners.  Of 170 entries, there were 35 winners.  All but 2 were numbers 100 and above.  EM was number 18.  Hmmmm....  Did we have a chance?  Anyway, it was fun watching people walk by the car and admire it. 

The car show was over at about two o'clock.  We were without child, with a convertible than needed to put miles on it, on a beautiful day.  EM came up with the idea of going to Eischen's in Okarche (bucket list item #53).   It is about a hour from our house.  We drove through Oklahoma City, and continued until we were in rolling hills and farmland.  The downtown of Okarche was only two blocks long and looked not very prosperous.  The town, however, was immaculate, homes in a variety of styles and values, but yards that were well-groomed.  The only booming business downtown was Eischen's Bar.  Now, move away from this blog, go to YouTube, and search for "Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives: Eischen's Bar".  Watch it.  I'll wait here....

Inside, the atmosphere was definitely bar-like, but the place was filled with families, small children, and little old ladies.  We entered the bar.  We ordered a whole chicken, a beer and a wine cooler.  While we were waiting, EM and I played a game of pool (that was a joke in itself - my pool-playing abilities are pitiful) with two little boys watching us.  EM offered to pay for a game of pool for them, but they said they were too little.  And they probably were.

And the two of us ate a whole chicken (cut into pieces).  I have never done that in my life, but I have never had a whole chicken with no other sides.  I would have ordered the fried okra if there had been more people sharing food, but it was a huge order.  There were 10 people behind the bar, working as fast as if they were putting out a fire.  Basket after basket of whole chickens came out of the back.  Our plates were sheets of wax paper.  The chicken came only with sweet butter pickles and fresh onions that had been in soaking in the pickle juice plus white bread.  There are no other "sides".  There was no "healthy" food on site.

My momma makes wonderful fried chicken.  Matter-of-fact, when we happen to eat fried chicken out, we usually say, "This is not as good as Mother's fried chicken.".  When Mother makes her fried chicken, it's just elbows and forks at the table.  Well, this chicken just just as good as hers.   Mother's gets an extra point for having a pulley bone, which Eischen's did not have.  But Eischen's had onion slices in pickle juice. Score one for Eischen's.  It's a draw.

After our drive back to Norman, we dropped in on some good friends, who were gracious enough to welcome us.  Then, off to pick up AT from her friend's house.  A perfect Saturday.

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